I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Friday, October 30, 2015

A Note on Costs

For this blog I am trying to document everything, good and bad about my experience in building my duo 660. This should include the experience of paying for things.  I'm planning another post on sources, for now this is just how much I've spent on boat stuff.  I've tried to be comprehensive but I'm sure of missed some little stuff. The other thing to keep in mind is this is only my experience where I already had a lot of tools and using the build approach that I've documented here. So with the caveats out of the way here it is:

I broke it up into recurring materials and non-recurring tools and equipment. This is an early look yet, when I start to plank the first ama I will be looking at some more serious plywood and epoxy costs.


  1. Hi Esteban

    as your build progresses, I advise you to keep this spreadsheet away from your wife's view!!

    BTW, sorry to see the rudder blade issues. We all did similar things i think. I know I did. Keep up the good work. Your skills at boat building will increase massively as you go along, that much I can guarantee you.

    regards Bryan

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  3. Thanks for the encouraging words Bryan. I was upset at first but given it is my first time building rudders of all things I should expect some issues. I don't think I'll have any complaints from her until its time to buy masts and sails. I've prepared her for it, but i'm sure she will still be shocked, shocked, when that time comes.
