I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Friday, January 15, 2016

Sleepless Update on Bulkhead Alignment

I got out to the boat shed today and it was quite a day:

So my last post is from a mistake or two ago so I will try to recap this adventure.  A quick look at the drawings would have revealed that BH4 is the tallest. So that mistake is just down to me not having the patience to do what I knew I should. My next mistake was a little more nuanced. Fresh from discovering the hard way that BH4 is the tallest. I set up the laser forward of BH 4 and aimed it facing backward toward the transom. I then lined up BH5-7 to that laser line and felt good about my progress.  Then I moved the laser behind BH5 and aimed it forward through BH4 toward the bow.  I figured that BH4 and BH5 are determining my line so all should be well. Then I put BH1 in its location and found this.

On this picture you can just see the alignment hole about an inch higher than the laser spot. I cannot adjust the position of the bulkheads lower than the rails. So I took this opportunity to curse profusely. Somehow cursing makes me feel better. Once I gathered my composure I figured out how I messed this up.  I was setting up my laser fairly casually since I figured the actual line was defined by the alignment holes in the bulkheads themselves.  The problem is that the bulkheads are thin. Here is a figure that will explain my screw-up.

I exaggerated the figure but you get the idea.  To fix this I set up the laser as shown below

Which is also where I am now, BH1-5 area all set up. I just need to turn the laser around and re-adjust BH6 and BH7. Here is a pic of the forward bulkheads lined up.

Two pieces of good news are that BH6 and BH7 are shorter so I shouldn't run into the rails again, and I'm becoming adept at setting up and taking down bulkheads. I should finish the alignment tomorrow and will start thinking about stringer installation next.

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