I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Working In The Twilight Zone

I spent most of the day in the boat shed, but it felt odd today. We had kind of a rolling cloud cover so it would go from cloudy to sunny and back fairly frequently. It makes it weird in the boat shed since it felt like night at some points (relying on my shop light) and then like a summer day at other times.  In any case I got quite a bit done. 

As promised in earlier posts I took pictures of the filler piece that I installed where the keel dives below planking at BH3. Here is the before picture:

And then the after:

I cleaned up where this piece sits with the dremel and then carved a bit on the filler piece to get a good fit. Besides the filler piece I got yesterday's planks trimmed, filled gaps with epoxy, made progress in shaping the bow timber, and then installed the last plank. I left the belt sander and drill on top to help hold it down, On its own it was taking a bend that was opposite to what I needed (of course). 

I'll wrap up with as much of a hull picture as I can get. 

The sad news is that I likely won't get this glassed before the kids return on Sunday.  There are just too many "let the epoxy cure" steps between now and getting the glass on.  Also I'm thinking I may wait on the paint until I have the hull turned. Here is why.  I cannot put on the Anti-votex panel on now because I need to get to the inside of the hull to install a backing plate.  And I don't want to paint (primer, paint, bottom paint) because then I would have to scrape/sand all that off to install the AV panel.  Painting with the hull right side up will be more of a hassle, but less bad than removing expensive paint and hoping to avoid damaging the underlying fiberglass in the process. Now the plan is to push both the AV panel and trampoline holder installations until after the hull is right side up.

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