I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Momentous Occasion

I didn't get out to the boat last night to put in the fillet under the the aft beam butt strap. So this morning I did that first thing, then did some carpentry and epoxy work for the beam recess. Then I went back and put on the first layer of fiberglass under the butt strap. It was not easy and I got a bit of epoxy on my arms,  But it was not a nightmare.  I wet out the fiberglass on the workbench, then rolled it up, then took to the butt strap and with one arm around each side of the butt strap I unrolled it and smoothed it out. Then I proceeded to fool with it to try to get to lay just right. I only stopped fooling with it when it seemed like each time I touched it I made it worse. Here is the picture of how I left it.

I cut the glass too long so I will cut off the excess with a dremel tomorrow.  Also as mentioned I continued work on the forward beam recess. I cut and installed the outboard side end support and the forward bolt structure pieces.

If the weather is dry tomorrow I will cut and install the walls. and get the second layer of glass on the inside of the butt strap.

Taking a broader view, as I'm nearing completion of the second beam recess, I will start drilling, filling and adding backing for the rudder gudgeons, then working on structure for the main hatch, then structure for a smaller hatch forward. Things not to forget: bow and transom lights, bow cleat, and capsized flotation, and (oh yeah) the mast.

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