I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Next Steps Will Be Slow Going....And an Admission.

When I put on the stringers and chine I did not epoxy coat them first. I figured that it would be easier to epoxy coat them when I did not have to worry about bonding them to a work surface in the process. I still think that is valid, but I also just wanted to get going. So now I have to pause to epoxy coat stringers and chines (only inside edges of chines as outsides will see the business end of a belt sander).  So I will be epoxy coating stuff for a while and making the "breasthooks" for the chines at the bow. These will be 4mm Okume, scrap from my rudder making days. Also still need to build up shears.

Now for the admission. I don't actually own a belt sander (gasp!). So as I'm epoxy coating,  I will be looking at belt sanders and specifically strategies for fitting a rail as a guide.  I hope to do something a bit more sophisticated than strapping a piece of PVC pipe to the side of sander, but we will see.

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