I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Planning The To Do List

I've made a small amount of progress in epoxy coating all the exposed wood. The problem is that as I'm doing this I'm seeing and thinking of all the little things that need to be done next. Honestly a to do list that is only in my head and keeps changing stresses me out. So this will be the post that brings order out of chaos.

First thing to consider is that my wife has a home office in the basement. This matters because my boat shed is right outside her window. This matters because my air compressor is just inside my boat shed, outside her window. This matters because my air compressor is supernaturally loud. This matters because I need my air compressor to use my polymer brad nailer. This matters because I need the nailer to install the chine breasthooks and buttstraps on my less than spec stringer scarf joints.

I'm not going to get much time this weekend to spend with my boat (it's Superbowl weekend, I'm going to grudgingly cheer for Carolina). But I need to do the stuff that requires the compressor, while my wife is not in her office. So here is the list.

1. Stinger buttstrap and breasthook installation (need compressor)
2. Build up scarf joints on shear timbers
2. Epoxy coat exposed wood on stringers, chines and shears
3. Install shears
5. Trim and bond shears at bow
5. Apply fillets to joints as required
6. Trim shear and chine overhangs at transom
7. Install stem (this may take a few steps)
8. Begin fairing

Once I start fairing, by which I mean using the belt sander I will feel much better.

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