I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Friday, December 11, 2015

Boat and a Ukulele, Cliche?....Perhaps, but OK with me

I've got a three week hiatus on my hands to take a 3 week vacation in Peru. I'm going to use some of that downtime to learn to play a Ukulele. I know it's a bit hackneyed but who really cares.  As far as I can tell I have only a very small or totally absent talent for music (I've tried and essentially failed at the saxophone and mandolin already). But that trifle has not deterred my desire to play. So here is the Uke I just got, I went for the concert Fluke.


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