I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

TR2 Closed!

I thought I was going to sneak up on this rudder and have the final closing of the rudder be simple and easy. I was wrong,  I had left it compressed overnight in an "almost closed" condition. So the first thing I did today was to take off the clamps to see how far it had taken a set. Here is the deformation after day 1 and after day 2 respectively.

Can you tell which is which? Day 2 is on the left. Suffice it to say I didn't get much out of the second day of letting the rudder sit compressed.  I tried to stay away from the wedges, but just could not get the rudder compressed down low where the spar is located. So after trying several different clamping strategies, I finally decided to use the wedges and finally got the rudder compressed.

I included the picture on the left so the profile of the rudder would show. Even with using only the wedges, the trailing edge of the rudder was still pinned closed which will make it hard to install the carbon fiber. So I temporarily held the trailing edge open with 1X2 furring strip so I could get in there to epoxy the spar in place.  

I'm going to let this cure and then remove from the jig to check things out and see if I could envision installing the carbon fiber.  Tomorrow I will make real rudder faces and put in the jig in its current location. That doesn't take too long. Then I will start setting up a space in the garage for the jig and start laying out the footers for the rails to build AMA#1.

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