I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Even A Boring Day In The Boat Shed Is Still Pretty Good

It wasn't a great day, no momentous achievements or anything that was hard to do, just turning the crank. Working alone in the boat shed is turning into my peace. I think this has a couple of reasons. Firstly when I'm out in the boat shed my family tends to leave me alone. Maybe the boat shed makes me just unavailable enough that they find other solutions to their many needs. Secondly, the boat requires my thinking as well as my hands. This is relaxing because I can't think of all the various needs, problems, worries, and noise that usually occupy my mind. Just the wood, the tools, the boat.

I kept up work on the second beam recess and the aft beam supporting structure. These beam recesses are deceiving since they appear simple, but actually take quite a bit of work. A healthy number of pieces to get cut and fit-out and several let-the-glue-dry steps. It is rewarding though, here is the picture of the first beam recess.

Today I got the floor and mid-span vertical support cut and glued. Here is the picture of where I left it. The belt sander is there as it is pulling double duty as a weight to insure the floor is seated on its structure.

As for the aft beam structure I rounded the inside edges of the shears and the bottom edges of the deck stringer with a finishing router. and then I filled the inside corners (shear to hull wall and butt strap to hull wall) with filled epoxy. The idea being to get rid of any hard corners that would make laying in the fiberglass difficult.  I will sand the ridge that is still there at the edges of the butt strap but should be good to go after that.

Next trip to boat shed will be to lay some fiberglass on the inside of this piece of structure. This is a new thing, so if it goes well it will qualify as momentous.  

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