I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

First Shear Installed

Yesterday I got overcome with kid and family stuff, but today I got out and got a bit done. Not sure why but my heart wasn't in it today so I didn't push as hard as a could have. I got the first shear installed and trimmed the top chine gusset at the bow. Here are the pictures.

The shears are bent a bit and opposite the chines. I'm considering attaching the stem before releasing the chine hold down frame. The idea being that the shears and stringers will help to keep the chines in place.  I'm just getting the feeling that no matter what I do this is going to move, just a matter of how much.

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