I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Garboard #2 Installed

I think this is likely the technically hardest plank to install on the entire hull. More difficult than the last one since few clamps could be used. That said, this went very smoothly. I knew what to expect and just progressed through the steps without drama.

After doing all the test fits and predrilling the clearance holes in the plank, here are the steps (the tab nearest the transition joint is loose to start):
1. Butter all the hull interfacing surfaces with filled epoxy
2. Place Garboard by locating at transition joint and seat in tabs.
3. Clamp at bow
4. Tighten tab nearest transition joint
5. Work backwards from bow installing screws (push plank down to seat, then tighten screw).
6. After all screws in add some clamps near bow as needed.
- done

Here are some pictures,
First a before:

Then an after:

And this is the view on the keel side, attempting to show where the plank interfaces the keel. ( I used the leftover epoxy to fill some inadvertent gouges I put in the keel when sanding down the other garboard.

I did buy more plywood and now will have to spend time doing the epoxy coating. I will try to stay productive (butt strapping, cleaning the boat shed and garage) but there will be few days now with nothing to do but watch glue dry.

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