I'm writing this blog as a journal of my build of a Duo-660 catamaran. Most of the content will be dedicated to this endeavor. I try to populate posts with pictures since it is instructive. The notes tab is for misfit posts. Always nice to have a place for the misfits.


Monday, March 7, 2016

Thank God For Sunbreaks

Today was mostly spent on fulfilling my self-imposed discipline of feeding my family and insuring that they wear clean clothes.  I do wish that like some creatures we could survive by eating a huge meal once a week. That evolutionary feature would really help me make progress on my boat.  As things stand I have to feed myself and family several times a day, everyday. Anyway enough of that. I did do a bit of work that is new on the boat. I made a small frame that I can clamp on the chine or stringer that needs to be router cut to provide relief for butt straps. Here is a picture of the frame on a test-cut piece of lumber. We got a few hour sun break this afternoon, very welcome.

And this is how I left it, all set up and ready to be used to cut the first relief.

It was good to use the router today. It wasn't that hard to control. You just have to be really careful when you first turn it on, because it tries to twist out of your hand as the motor spins up. Once it is at speed it is much more predictable.

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